Welcome to the World Harps Collection’s
Wholesale price list!
The Mouth Harp, to much of society, is considered a nondescript instrument.
It is often regarded as an amateur noise-maker; a mere musical toy. This perception is understandable, for most Mouth Harps available in musical instrument shops today are mass-produced specimens incapable of a true musical capacity.
One of the most ancient musical instruments in the world, the Mouth Harp (also known as Jew’s Harp or Jaw Harp) is a traditional folk instrument hand-crafted still in cultures across the globe.
This is World Harps’ mission: to source these quality hand-made instruments directly from craftsmen around the world, and to provide others with the opportunity to discover the Mouth Harp’s potential as a truly contemporary musical instrument.
Quite simple to learn, no prior musical experience is required to discover the pleasure of playing the Mouth Harp. And, equally affordable, Mouth Harps in this wholesale catalog start at $5.00 a piece.
If this will be your first order, World Harps recommends purchasing a selection of Mouth Harps from Vietnam, Nepal, and India. This will present you with a chance to notice that if beautiful Mouth Harps like these are displayed (even if space is limited) where they can be visible to catch customers’ attention, they will be sold.